Positivity Breeds Creativity

Sketches, design ideas and thoughts by Satoshi Nakamura

09 August, 2010

DMY Berlin 2010 [Tempelhof Flughafen]

This year's International Design Festival Berlin, known as DMY Berlin, took place inside the hangers of the old Tempelhof Airport. This huge steel construction, designed in the shape of an eagle spreading wings, is one impressive piece of architecture. Normally it is not possible to go inside, but for this occasion, the doors were opened.

There are still remains of the old airline counters and baggage claims conveyor belt, allowing imaginations to put people into place for the times this place was still functioning as an airport. The airport was closed in 30 October 2008, and the city is still looking into how the building could be used..... There is so much space, with former offices of airlines and workshops inside the hanger, this would be a perfect location for a collective creative complex, housing design studios, architects offices, artist atelier, machining centers.... Please open the building up to creative people!!



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Freelance Automotive/ Industrial Designer
MA Hochschule Pforzheim
BA Coventry University

Please email me if you are interested in seeing my full portfolio.

