Positivity Breeds Creativity

Sketches, design ideas and thoughts by Satoshi Nakamura

23 December, 2011


Santa is walking this year.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!


23 December, 2010


Santa will be delivering with public transportation this year! His Reindeers went on a strike, they weren't happy about being underpaid and Santa always taking the cookies and milk.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!



- Previous Christmas cards -



15 November, 2010

Paris Motor Show 2010 [MINI]

Finally! Here is the report of the Paris Motor Show 2010 trip!

With the MINI Space Competition, I was invited to go to the Paris Motor Show in October, to see the prototype of the "Fire in the MINI" competition entry! MINI provided the air flight for me and my guest, a cool designer hotel to stay in, and a press pass to the Paris Motor Show! I will upload some pictures of the beautiful city of Paris, and other parts of the Motor Show, but firstly, the MINI story!

I have seen several Motor Shows in the past, and MINI is always good at creating the atmosphere. Very bold, strong graphic design inside a fully black box gives a punchy impression straight away, combined with a Dj providing the correct vibe, the booth rightly targets the MINI's target customers.

With the press pass, I was able to go up the VIP bar for some coffee and snacks. There were two Motor Show premieres there, the E-scooter and the WRC Rally version Countryman! Both exciting concepts, which I look forward to seeing the next steps!

The Countryman was displayed upstairs, where they had a special corner set out for the MINI Space competition. The big screen was showing various entries from the competition, with the three prototypes displayed inside a showcase underneath.

I was told before-hand that some retouching had to be done, for example they couldn't use real fire due to safety reasons. (When the design was chosen for the prototype, I wasn't sure how they will deal with this; maybe having a fire inside a car doesn't sound so safe, but then again, the fire could be enclosed inside, fueled by cartridges limited to 30 minutes.... and of course, open fire inside a car happens all the time, with cigarettes and lighters!) But the end product had a super nice effect, put that inside a car, I am sure it would have given the correct ambiance like a fireplace.

They also MINI-fied the design, the piece looks much more fitting to the MINI design language, and it looks like a MINI product on its own. I was actually very jealous of this. After I submitted the idea, I saw a presentation by MINI design chief Gert Hildebrand about MINI design. In this presentation, he said how MINI keeps its image by making sure every part designed can be recognized as MINI on its own. In hindsight, my entry did not really have that MINI feeling, and I really wanted to rework on the design!

Later I had the chance to talk to Gert for around 30 minutes about the competition, the "Fire in the MINI" idea, the passion for MINI.... It was a great experience, and I saw the strength of MINI which is different to any other car manufacturer. MINI is by far the best at creating a user community, focusing on getting that community involved until it becomes a culture on its own. By keeping the design so solid throughout the brand, they have achieved to inherit this from the old Mini culture.

Once again, I would like to thank everyone from MINI and the MINI Space team for this wonderful opportunity!!

MINI Space.com article:


MINI Spaceのコンペで、10月に開催されたパリモーターショーに、「Fire in the MINI」のプロトタイプのお披露目のために招待されました。MINIが自分とゲストの分の飛行機、パリ市内のデザイナーズホテルの宿泊、モーターショー へのプレスパスを手配してくれました。後々美しいパリの街並みや、他のパリモーターショーもレポートしますが、まずはMINIについて!

今までにいくつかのモーターショーを観て回りましたが、MINIは毎回雰囲気作りが上手いです。はっきりとしたシンプルなグラフィックが真っ黒な ボックスの中に浮かび上がり、強烈なインパクトを与え、そこに専属Djが音楽を加えることによって、MINIのターゲットとなる顧客層に直接結びつきま す。

プレスパスを使って、ブース内にあるVIPバーでコーヒーを飲んだり、優雅に見て回ることが出来ました。MINIブースにはE-scooter とWRCラリーバージョンクロスオーバーの二つの初お披露目がありました。両方とも、今後の発展が楽しみなコンセプトでした。

クロスオーバーは2階の一角に、MINI Spaceのコンペ特別コーナーと共に展示されていました。大きなスクリーンには他のエントリーなどが映し出され、その下に3個のプロトタイプが置かれていました。
事前にデザインの変更があるとは伝えられていました。例えば、本当の火は安全管理上の理由で無理だったそうです。(このアイディアが試作されるとわかった 時に、どうやってこの問題を処理するのかわかりませんでした。もしかしたら実際に火を車内で使うのは危険なイメージがあるかもしれないですが、完全に囲っ てしまい、30分など限定した燃料であれば大丈夫かも。。。もちろん、「車内で火」タバコを付ける時など、頻繁に使われていますしね!)最終的には、プロ トタイプはとってもいい雰囲気を作り出していました。これが車の中に入っていれば、暖炉の様な雰囲気を作り上げれたと思います。

火の変更と同時に、デザインもよりMINIデザイン、一目でMINI製品だとわかるような、「MINI化」されていました。このアイディアを提出した後 に、MINIデザインチーフ、Gert HildebrandさんのMINIデザインについてのプレゼンを聞きました。そこで、MINIは全てのパーツにそれ単体でMINIだとわかるようなデザ インにしていると言っていました。後から見てみると、確かに私のエントリーにはMINI感がそこまでなく、デザインを再度練り直したいと思っていて、私 は、実はこれに一番ヤキモチを焼きました!

後に、Gertさんと30分ほどコンペについて、「Fire in the MINI」のアイディアについて、MINIへの考え方について…色々と話す機会がありました。とっても良い経験で、MINIが他のメーカーと比べて強い部 分も明確にわかりました。MINIは、ユーザーコミュニティを作るのが一番上手く、そのコミュニティを取り込んで、文化にまで発展させることに重点を置い ています。確固たるデザインがブランド全体に行き渡らせることで、オールドMiniの文化を見事に受け継いでいます。

最後に、MINIの皆さんと、MINI Spaceの皆さんに、この素晴らしい体験を感謝したいと思います!

MINI Spaceのパリモーターショー記事:


DMY Berlin 2010 [Crafts]

There were many objects following the idea of "craftsmanship", old and new. Huge installation/ structure was made using a massive amount of common household packing tape and a lot of man-power. Old manufacturing methods created a unique piece, reminding us of the warmth of hand made pieces, while advances in 3D printing, lazer cutting, and material knowledge created a new kind of craftsmanship, giving the designers more freedom to expression.

The act of design goes hand in hand with manufacturing methods, that new processes opens new ideas and into new products. I feel that designers should understand and explore these possibilities more, so that the eventual product has the correct feeling, not something that looks like the idea.



DMY Berlin 2010 [Clever Forms]

Being hosted in a huge hanger at Tempelhof Airport, DMY Berlin had an unique display of designs. There was so much freedom, with a touch of inspiration, day-to-day products were turned into ideas beyond the normal perception; simplifying or expanding its' boundaries.


11 August, 2010

MINI Countryman Center Rail Competition

These are my entries for the MINI Countryman Center Rail Competition, held on MINIspace.com. The winners were announced, and "Fire in the MINI" received the First prize!! A prototype will be made and shown at the Paris Motor Show in October! I am thrilled with the result and really looking forward to seeing this in real life!
More details can be found here:

"Thought-provoking and eye-catching, the delightfully jaunty idea of installing a contained fireplace inside a MINI was too sexy to pass up. Imagine heading out to a weekend in the countryside or a romantic ski retreat, and setting the mood with a crackling hearth and some piping hot cocoa before you even get outside the city limits..."

I wanted to take this unique opportunity to provide a different connection to the car; driving being the obvious connection, there could be more to enjoy the time inside the car. With the "Fire in the MINI", I was imagining a road trip somewhere into the countryside in the winter, full of activities all day outside. It's time to head back home, but why not take a moment, warm up with a nice cup of hot chocolate next to a fireplace?

I really enjoyed coming up with ideas for this competition. "Open Source Design" is becoming more common. Surely there is the debate of whether it does justice to the designers and their ideas, but I think it's great that there are opportunities for creative minds to play around and to be acknowledged. It is a way to get the community involved, and the community to have a more direct engagement towards a company's design direction. Ideas could influence others and create a positive reaction.

Watch this space for photos and updates from the Paris Motor Show in October!!

MINIspace.com で行われた『MINIカントリーマン』(日本名『クロスオーバー』)センターレールデザインコンペティションに提案したアイディアです。結果が発表され、 「Fire in the MINI」が1位に選ばれました!10月のパリモーターショーにプロトタイプが製作・発表されます!実物を見るのが今から楽しみです!

「刺激的で、人目を引く、暖炉をMINIに装置するという魅力的なアイディアは見逃すにはあまりにもセクシー過ぎました。週末に郊外やロマンティックなスキー 旅行に出かけた時に、都市部を抜け出るずっと前に、パチパチと鳴る暖炉の音と、アツアツのココアでムードを演出する想像をしてみてください。。。」(サイトコメント和訳)

このユニークな機会を使って、クルマとの別な「つながり」を持たせようと考えました。運転する楽しみが一番単純なつなが りですが、もっとクルマの中にいる時間を楽しむ何かがあるべきだと思いました。「Fire in the MINI」は、冬に外で一日中遊び回った後、すぐに家に向かうのではなく、ホットココアと暖炉の前で一息ついてはどう?と考えました。

こ のコンペティションは、本当に楽しんでアイディアを出すことが出来ました。「オープンソースデザイン」が段々広まっています。もちろん、デザイナーとアイ ディアに対して正当な評価がされないという議論もありますが、私は自由に創造性を遊ばせて、評価を得られる機会があることは素晴らしいと思います。コミュ ニティーが参加して、コミュニティーもメーカーのデザインにより直接関わることが出来る。アイディアが刺激しあって、よりポジティブな反応を起こすことが 出来ると思います。


09 August, 2010

DMY Berlin 2010 [Tempelhof Flughafen]

This year's International Design Festival Berlin, known as DMY Berlin, took place inside the hangers of the old Tempelhof Airport. This huge steel construction, designed in the shape of an eagle spreading wings, is one impressive piece of architecture. Normally it is not possible to go inside, but for this occasion, the doors were opened.

There are still remains of the old airline counters and baggage claims conveyor belt, allowing imaginations to put people into place for the times this place was still functioning as an airport. The airport was closed in 30 October 2008, and the city is still looking into how the building could be used..... There is so much space, with former offices of airlines and workshops inside the hanger, this would be a perfect location for a collective creative complex, housing design studios, architects offices, artist atelier, machining centers.... Please open the building up to creative people!!



17 June, 2010

Milano Salone 2010 [Materials]

Materials can have many effect on the way a product looks and feels. They can compliment a design, or the clever use of the material itself could turn into the design of the product. Although some of the examples here may not be a practical solution, they explored possibilities of what could be done with material use.

As described in the [Installations], the whole city was filled with design, sometimes shifting more into regions of spacial art. Many of the installations could be irresponsible in terms of sustainable design. But, clever use of recycled materials formed new furniture, and there were such examples as the DuraPulp lamp, compressed paper which can be molded into shape like plastic. As innovations in materials move forward, designers should be running parallel and exploring what new things can be done with these materials.

素材によって、製品に様々な表情や効果を与えられます。デザインに付加価値を付け加えたり、または素材の使い方自体がデザインそのものになる場合もありま す。ここに紹介しているサンプルは必ずしも現実的な解決案では無いかもしれませんが、素材の使い方の可能性を探っています。

[Installations]で紹介したように、街全体がデザイン、もしくは空間アートと呼べるようなモノで溢れていました。サステナブル・デザインの 観点からは、インスタレーションは無責任なものも多かったです。ですが、リサイクルされた材料を巧みに使った家具や、DuraPulp、圧縮された紙で、 プラスチックの様に製造出来る素材を使ったランプもありました。新素材開発が進むに連れて、デザイナーもその素材で何ができるかを並行して考えるべきです。

08 June, 2010

Milano Salone 2010 [Installations]

I enjoyed seeing the installations at Milano Salone. From indoors to outdoors, the city was full of designs by artists and visionaries. This amount of opportunities and freedom to express makes this show into an extraordinary event.


31 May, 2010

Milano Salone 2010 [Lighting]

Lighting was the most inspiring and innovative area for me. OLED's were strongly shown, with its possibility to shine a whole surface. Several different use of LED's were suggested, combined with other materials such as wood and concrete, while Toshiba showed a replicated sky combining smoke and LED's with very fine control with the colors. On the other hand, Velux displayed a natural lighting system where the light came through a tunnel leading into the room, providing real natural light into a normally unreachable rooms.
With new lighting technologies, there will be so many opportunities for the positions of the light source in every kinds of design.



My photo

Freelance Automotive/ Industrial Designer
MA Hochschule Pforzheim
BA Coventry University

Please email me if you are interested in seeing my full portfolio.

