Positivity Breeds Creativity

Sketches, design ideas and thoughts by Satoshi Nakamura

15 November, 2010

DMY Berlin 2010 [Crafts]

There were many objects following the idea of "craftsmanship", old and new. Huge installation/ structure was made using a massive amount of common household packing tape and a lot of man-power. Old manufacturing methods created a unique piece, reminding us of the warmth of hand made pieces, while advances in 3D printing, lazer cutting, and material knowledge created a new kind of craftsmanship, giving the designers more freedom to expression.

The act of design goes hand in hand with manufacturing methods, that new processes opens new ideas and into new products. I feel that designers should understand and explore these possibilities more, so that the eventual product has the correct feeling, not something that looks like the idea.



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Freelance Automotive/ Industrial Designer
MA Hochschule Pforzheim
BA Coventry University

Please email me if you are interested in seeing my full portfolio.

